163 research outputs found

    Un exemple spécifique de collaboration : Le produit-partage

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    Qu'est ce qu'une opération de produit-partage ? Quels en sont les objectifs et les limites ? et quelles sont les recommandations à suivre avant d'y recourir ? Voila les questions auxquelles cette fiche se propose de répondre

    How Sustainability Ratings Might Deter "Greenwashing": A Closer Look at Ethical Corporate Communication

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    Of the many ethical corporate marketing practices, many firms use corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication to enhance their corporate image. Yet consumers, overwhelmed by these more or less well-founded CSR claims often have trouble identifying truly responsible firms. This confusion encourages "greenwashing" and may make CSR initiatives less effective. On the basis of attribution theory, this study investigates the role of independent sustainability ratings on consumers' responses to companies' CSR communication. Experimental results indicate the negative effect of a poor sustainability rating for corporate brand evaluations in the case of CSR communication, because consumers infer less intrinsic motives by the brand. Sustainability ratings thus could act to deter "greenwashing" and encourage virtuous firms to persevere in their CSR practices.ethical corporate marketing, CSR communication, attribution theory, sustainability ratings

    How Sustainability Ratings Might Deter “Greenwashing”: A Closer Look at Ethical Corporate Communication.

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    Of the many ethical corporate marketing practices, many firms use corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication to enhance their corporate image. Yet consumers, overwhelmed by these more or less well-founded CSR claims, often have trouble identifying truly responsible firms. This confusion encourages “greenwashing” and may make CSR initiatives less effective. On the basis of attribution theory, this study investigates the role of independent sustainability ratings on consumers’ responses to companies’ CSR communication. Experimental results indicate the negative effect of a poor sustainability rating for corporate brand evaluations in the case of CSR communication, because consumers infer less intrinsic motives by the brand. Sustainability ratings thus could act to deter “greenwashing” and encourage virtuous firms to persevere in their CSR practices.attribution theory; ethical corporate marketing; sustainability ratings; CSR communication;

    Les antĂ©cĂ©dents de l’attitude envers le prospectus.

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    Dans cet article, l’exploration de la littĂ©rature, complĂ©tĂ©e par l’interrogation semi-directive de 13 consommateurs, permet d’identifier les bĂ©nĂ©fices – exploration, divertissement, fonctionnalitĂ© et expression de soi – et les coĂ»ts – environnemental et budgĂ©taire – associĂ©s Ă  la consultation des prospectus. Une Ă©tude quantitative est ensuite conduite auprĂšs de 211 consommateurs pour confirmer l’importance de ces diffĂ©rents bĂ©nĂ©fices et coĂ»ts dans la formation de l’attitude du consommateur envers le prospectus. Ses rĂ©sultats soulignent notamment la prĂ©dominance des bĂ©nĂ©fices de divertissement et d’expression de soi, gĂ©nĂ©ralement considĂ©rĂ©s comme hĂ©doniques, relativement aux bĂ©nĂ©fices d’ordre utilitaire plus naturellement associĂ©s Ă  la consultation des prospectus. Ce faisant, cet article replace la consultation du prospectus dans une perspective expĂ©rientielle de la consommation et invite les distributeurs Ă  une conception plus crĂ©ative et divertissante de celui-ci.Prospectus; BĂ©nĂ©fices - CoĂ»ts; Attitude;

    When students give biased responses to researchers: An exploration of traditional paper vs. computerized self-administration

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    This article investigates the impact of two data collection modes (online surveys and paper-and-pencil surveys) and the perceived attractiveness of the experimenter on two types of response biases: social desirability and demand artifacts. Its results highlight the combined effect of the data collection mode and the perceived attractiveness of the experimenter on social desirability and show that signs sensitivity and signs interpretation (two types of demand artifacts) are stronger in the context of online surveys than in the context of paper-and-pencil surveys.Data collection ; online surveys ; paper-and-pencil surveys ; response bias ; social desirability ; demand artifact

    La régulation des campagnes de communication

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    Faut-il reconnaitre une incompatibilité entre publicité et développement durable ? Entre la liberté de l'entreprise, sa liberté de communication en particulier, et le respect des citoyens et de l'environnement, quelle régulation mettre en place ? Telles sont les questions auxquelles nous allons chercher à répondre dans cette fiche.régulation publicitaire ; publicité écoresponsable

    La communication sociétale vs communication responsable

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    Communication sociĂ©tale et communication responsable sont les deux manifestations du developpement durable dans la politique de communication des entreprises. La premiĂšre se dĂ©finit en rĂ©fĂ©rence au contenu de la communication, quand la seconde se dĂ©finit davantage en rĂ©fĂ©rence au processus mĂȘme de la communication.Communication sociĂ©tale ; communication responsable ; risques ; lĂ©gitimation

    Building brand equity with environmental communication: an empirical investigation in France

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    International audiencePurpose Using Keller's (1993, 2003) brand equity framework, this paper investigates the impact of the firm's environmental communication on brand equity, and specifically its impact on brand image, through the strength and favourability of brand environmental associations. Design/methodology/approach A between-subjects experimental design tests the hypotheses with a generalisable sample of 165 French consumers. Findings Environmental communication positively influences the strength and favourability of brand environmental associations, therefore improving brand equity. Two moderators reinforce the impact of environmental communication on brand equity through the strength of brand environmental associations: the perceived congruence between the brand and the cause, and the perceived credibility of the claim. Practical implications In the context of greater consumer pressure regarding business ethics, managers should favour environmental arguments in their corporate communication to improve brand image through societal associations. Doing so, they should focus their communication on causes that are congruent with their brands to facilitate brand equity building, and ensure they are credible when proclaiming these arguments. Originality/value of paper Despite existing research on corporate social responsibility (CSR), no studies focus on the specific impact of CSR communication on brand equity. This research provides initial empirical evidence about the positive effect of environmental claims on customer-based brand equity

    Le rĂŽle de la congruence entre l’enseigne et son engagement dans la construction du capital-marque par la communication sociĂ©tale : une approche par la thĂ©orie de l’attribution.

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    De nombreuses entreprises du secteur de la distribution communiquent sur leursengagements sociĂ©taux afin d’amĂ©liorer leur image auprĂšs des consommateurs. NĂ©anmoins,face Ă  la profusion d’arguments plus ou moins fondĂ©s, l’efficacitĂ© de la communicationsociĂ©tale des enseignes est remise en question. Pour mieux comprendre comment leconsommateur interprĂšte l’information qu’il reçoit, notamment en ce qui concerne la naturede l’engagement de l’enseigne, la thĂ©orie de l’attribution offre un cadre opportun et permet deformuler des hypothĂšses qui sont ensuite testĂ©es expĂ©rimentalement. Les rĂ©sultats valident lapertinence d’une route « attributionnelle » dans le traitement de la communication sociĂ©talepar les consommateurs qui prĂ©sentent une forte conscience sociĂ©tale.Many firms, especially retailers, communicate about their societal engagements toimprove their image. Yet, overwhelmed by these more or less well-founded societal claims,consumers get troubles to identify truly responsible retailers, making societal communicationless efficient. To better understand how consumers interpret societal information, especiallyabout the nature of retailers’ engagements, the attribution theory is well-suited and helps toderive hypotheses experimentally tested. Results confirm the role of the “attributional” routein explaining societal information treatment for consumers showing strong societalconsciouness.Communication sociĂ©tale; Congruence perçue; Capital-marque; Societal communication; Perceived congruency; Attribution theory; Brand equity; Retailing;

    Le prospectus promotionnel, de la communication prix à la publicité d'ambiance

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    L'efficacité du prospectus étant rarement étudiée dans la perspective de l'industriel, cette recherche interroge spécifiquement son influence sur la notoriété et l'image de qualité des produits de la marque. L'expérimentation conduite montre que le prospectus s'apparente à une forme de publicité d'ambiance aux yeux des consommateurs, qui traitent peu l'information qu'il véhicule en matiÚre de prix. Ainsi, le prospectus augmente d'abord la notoriété de la marque et améliore ensuite son image de qualité. Il contribuerait ainsi à développer son capital, contrairement à l'idée trÚs répandue d'un effet négatif de la communication promotionnelle sur celui-ci.prospectus ; notoriété de la marque ; image de qualité ; publicité d'ambiance
